
An Architect is a person with the ability to originate a valid concept for construction that fulfills the requirements of the client and then execute or direct the process to a completion that accomplishes the concept.

The Architects role in the construction process is comparable to that of a composer and conductor. In very much the same way a composer conceives and puts to paper the notes musicians are to play at various times to create an harmonious sound.

The Architect conceives and puts to paper a set of instructions for construction. These instructions define all the parts that go into the project, what quality level the parts must have, how the parts are to be assembled and in what sequence the parts must go together to create a satisfying project.

As the conductor coordinates the musicians to play the music written by the composer, the Architect can coordinate the construction as called for in the instructions.

The composer is the only person fully qualified to conduct because the composer is the only person who understand what feel the notes on paper are supposed to generate. This is what causes the music to reach its best. The Architect who created the instructions is the only person who understands what functionability, look and feel the completed construction is to have.

For the client to receive a completed project that fulfills the requirements of their use, hundreds of people have to be brought together in the proper sequence, executing their tasks in very specific ways, using the correct Materials.

Depending on the type of project the Architect-client relationship will have a mix of professional, business and personal interactions.

You need services I can provide for the following reasons:

  • To provide you with an initial and continuing explanation of what the design and construction process is all about.
  • Develop a understanding of what your needs are.
  • Create a solution that satisfies your needs both functionally and visually.
  • Create a set of documents that can be used to translate the design concept into reality.
  • Establish the basis for and/or secure a valid contract for construction.
  • Provide for a smooth transition from the planning to construction phase of the process.
  • Interpret the documents during the construction phase to ensure that the design concept is being adhered to.
  • Confirm that the construction conforms to the design intent.
  • Arbitrate differences of opinion that occur during the construction phase.
  • Verify that all construction is complete, and in a good and workmanlike manner.

I believe it is my obligation to utilize all my knowledge and skills in providing a design, documents and any other services required, that will facilitate the completion of the project that conforms best interest of the desires of my Client, the Contractor or Developer regardless of the size of the project.